maanantai 28. kesäkuuta 2010

The biggest fish in the sea made it by never getting caught

When there's no faith left, the only thing that's left is words, and when theres no faith, you can't believe in words, and then we'll burn the words. The words that were never said, were never even thought, and i burn every bridge.
Then i disappear from this reality and travel across time and place, and i feel pathetic once again.

Well i didin't want to talk about it, so i thought it would be best expressed trough... interpretative dance.

Once again i find myself in that situation, that i have to start thinking about escaping. This time it only makes it harder, that i'm kinda emotionally involved. This was the last thing i wanted, last thing that i hoped, and i still don't believe that i was stupid enough to let it happen. Go me. But anyways, i know me well enough to know, that it would have been against my nature not to let it happen. I'm just somehow too dependent, but still too independent. I'm just confused now. And i don't want to go back, just because of the rumors that aren't true.

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