keskiviikko 9. kesäkuuta 2010

Bizarre Love Triangle

Ok, so i'm competing with that kinda ultimate love. That kind of love that people are dreaming of, my competitor is the white prince himself. (oh, it's hilarious! here it's prinicipe azul, not white!)

How could i ever win? Why did i even started to try? No my pride doesn't let me give up.
But hey... if the white prince ended up being just a freaky mental-case, maybe i still have a little chance.

No, but honestly; I've been torturing myself, not only comparing myself to the things that used to be, but also just playing with the idea about picking the apple. Later on i heard that i've been totally not just playing with the idea. But for my defense; it just comes naturally to me. Can a zebra get rid of its stripes? Of course not. Neither can i; i just don't know that i had them in the first place.
So... I'm still in between two fires, and they are starting to burn me.
And still i keep on refueling them, but i just need to know that at least someone cares enough to get even a little bit mad. And now i really need it, because i realized that i'm not even falling in love everyday for the first time. And i don't even mind nescafé anymore! There must be something really badly wrong in my head... or then i'm just adjusted. At least i drink coffee again, and don't sleep. Something old-me-things left.

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