sunnuntai 20. kesäkuuta 2010

where is my love?

Four months have gone totally under the bridge. I feels like no time at all. So what it makes the next 7 months? Nothing!

I've lost my love for the numbers. I never lover maths, but i've been obsessed with numbers as long as i can remember. I've alway counted the days; how long there is 'till i have something/go somewhere or how long i've known someone, been in someplace etc. I just count things. I'm living my own final countdown.
But now the numbers scare the hell out of me. I don't want to leave, i don't even want to think that this is only a period in my life, though lately i've realized how i'm different form the others here. How i'm kinda just like burden. No-one wants to hang around with the stranger after the novelty is gone. Or then i just fucked my things up.
I know i have my true friends here, who never hang around me because i'm exchange student, but because they thought that i was "buena onda" like they say.

But now i need my old friend: MoccaMaster. WHERE ARE YOU, WHEN I NEED YOU? My MoccaMaster is the only thing that doesn't make me choose. If i choose tee before coffee, MoccaMaster doesn't get mad at me. MoccaMaster is the thing that makes me want to wake up in the morning, and the thing i come back home to. MoccaMaster doesn't get jealous, it doesn't want to talk about its feelings, or need much time from me. My MoccaMaster listens to me, when i need someone to talk to, though people find me kinda weird when i talk whit it, it doesn't matter.

And now it's far away.

Oh' MoccaMaster.

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