torstai 1. heinäkuuta 2010

Dōnec eris fēlīx, multōs numerābis amīcos; tempora si fuerint nūbila, sōlus eris

Amici, diem perdidi.

I've realized that if you can't help yourself it's pointless to demand help from others. After all this life is only ours, we can make what ever we want out of it, if we just believe in ourselves. Why do people expect other people to take their burden off their shoulders, they can anyway carry it only so far. I personally tend to do that, but i know that the burden i'm sharing will soon be lying on the streets so that everyone can kick it and spit on it. And to be honest; i don't give a shit.
Maybe i'm sometimes too careless about my things, maybe i count too much on my luck, or on the fact that things will be sorted out by themselves. Like we say in Oulu "kyllä se siitä lutviutuupi"
I just believe in life. I honestly don't believe that anyone who believes in life can be badly disappointed to the things that happened, or will happen.

Anyway it sometimes surprises me. I just play with the idea, and then it becomes true. I hope, or not even hope, just make jokes about things, and then they happen. It's unbelievable how things just tend to go my way in the end. Though first i normally get really desperate, depressed, i suffer, and then things start to go my way. Or maybe they don't go my way, i just think that they go...
Now i seem like the happiest person in the world, whose luck is something out of this world, but no... i just believe in life. I think that nothing can be that bad. I just don't believe in bad things. Or, yes... i do believe in bad things, i just get over them easily, i don't get stuck on my past, and that's how i've learned to live my life.
And yes, i do also believe in six impossible things before breakfast.

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