perjantai 30. heinäkuuta 2010

Nice she ain't

I solved all my problems. I have to buy a coffee maker. All the anxiety, depression, mood swings... they all add up to the fact that i don't have real coffee. Never knew that i'd be so addicted. But today i realized how easily addicted person i am deep down.

Today was worse than yesterday or the day before. I felt alone, i felt left alone, and in the end i was left alone. I sat at home, in the dark, waiting for my family to come back. They were supposed to come at 8 p.m. Still at 11 p.m waiting, sitting there... no-one. No call, no nothing. Then they finally came, and it's already too late; the train already left, i already missed it. Another day alone. Another day that never existed, amici diem perdidi again.

Ok, not totally alone. I went to see Daniela for a change. And she made me feel like i was part of the real world once again. I forgot that i was in San Carlos, forgot that i was somewhere where they don't even sell coffee makers. I brought her the miracle medicine and we drank coffee and smoked and talked about nothing. I shared my conspiracy theories with her, and we talked about the crime rates in Santiago and what not...
I also met my ex-mum's friend on the way to Daniela's. I was surprised that she even spoked to me. I was surprised that she didn't spit on me But she asked me how i was, how's everything and in total honesty she behaved like she had no idea about the fact that i changed my family. Or maybe she just doesn't believe that it was my fault, but anyway she reminded me how there's still good people left when the world seems to be filled with only evil.

I also had a reunion with my old friend. Don't know how to feel about it. Kinda confused, kinda scared, kinda more aware know about the things, and i'm telling you; my old friend ain't nice.

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