keskiviikko 12. toukokuuta 2010

Not So Soft

Now that i have the burden of anxiety off my shoulders, i'm free to get anxious from little things again. And it makes me who i am. I just can't live without my anxiety, or some people might call it caffein, but without it i'd be even more anxious.
Anyway, i adore my new family. I reckon that with this family i will have an amazing experience. But of course my life can't be perfect, i'm just bad at keeping things ideal; when i'm up there, i will fall hard, but not this time.

Sometimes i forget that i'm here, i forget my new life, and i forget the things that still hurt. And fuck it's hard to be an adult. Normally i would hit back and hard, if someone did something like this person did to me... but now i just pity him. If he's gonna live his poor life like that, it's his life, ya no mi problema. But he doesn't have the right to do those things, and that's why the little Peter Pan inside me is yelling that i should revenge, but i won't. And gosh it's hard not to!
But... i've found some amazing people who are on my side (even tough i don't want people to take sides in this, but i know it's hard not to) and that's why i feel sorry for the people who lives their life just trying to revenge, just living like people in this village live, because they're digging holes to themselves. They're gonna suffer from this more than i, and even tough it's not my fault, i feel bad. Didn't mean to hurt anyone, and their invention was to get me sent back to Finland, but didn't work, so IN YOUR FACE BITCH! t. Peter Pan.

1 kommentti:

  1. mitämitämitämitä ihmettä on tapahtunu??? kuka sulle on tehny ja mitä jos on pitäny muka sua suomeen asti saada :o -siiri
