keskiviikko 5. toukokuuta 2010

Caffein, caffein, caffein.

Lately i have being feeling like i'm becoming to get in terms with myself. While i'm overcoming my problems outside, and observing people who have same problems (i didn't know that i had those problems, before i started obsessing over them) i've realized some scary and still comforting things inside my own little bubble.

I realized why do i do those things that i do, where my habits come from, and now i know where i'm coming from.(i'm quite sure that i come from spain, i've been listening to flamenco lately and felt the spanish blood running trough my veins)

And i realized that here i have to be selfish about my experience. I didn't here to be depressed, i didn't come here to feel unhappy and to get sick. Now it's my time to do something about it. I'm not going to keep on going like this. I don't want that spiral to begin again, it does no good to anyone. So, i'm just going to speak my mind, do what there's left to do and see where it will take me.

It's an adventure, and it's on.

I'm my own Indiana Jones and Han Solo put together!
(having a tee party with my stuffed animals, and finally having the twelve cups out of the coffee machine, that i normally in finland don't have!)

I've drank so many cups of coffee today, that i'm too full of energy to even feel anxious, even tough the climate is filled with agony, because i know that they know, and they know, and no-one's happy anymore.
And i found energy drinks here, and fuck i love that stuff. The rush and shaking hands and the energy i normally (without caffein) don't have!
So for a change a happy blog.
At least the end of it when the caffein kicked in.

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