lauantai 3. huhtikuuta 2010

Panem et circenses

I'm really going to join a circus one day.

It would be just perfect for my restless feet! The life without home, without certainty about what tomorrow will bring. And of course in my circus there would be no safety net. There would always be the possibility of death, the tension, the fear. And that would be just perfect.
If you want to join me, come and you will be free from the everyday, because life in my circus would be adventure everyday!

So I went to see circus. And now i just feel restless, and i want to live the gipsy-lifestyle with no certainty about anything. There were clowns, little children doing some kind of bad tricks with different equipment and jugglers. I love jugglers.
But in the circus, there was no blue boys from Nepal, or mermaid-woman who had no bones. No fully tattooed woman who would have died, no giants, no midgets (except me), no siamese twins, nothing! Where are the freaks?

But I really didn't mind, because the only reason to go to circo was to get my mind of things.
Didn't help.
I still kept thinking and thinking and thinking and never came to any conclusion. And the thinking makes my head only ache.
In my circus I would never have headache. And there would be no troubles that would make me loose my good night sleep.
I just hate people and how they are so hard to guess.
People should just say what they want to say, no matter the consequences, and I don't mean bad things and bullshit, but things that would change something. Things that... well i'm being hypocrite here, because I'm really bad at saying anything, or if I say it, I'll do it imperceptibly, so if you want to understand me, you have to notice the most obscure hints.

But now I'm just rambling, so... I just wanted everyone to know that I just love circus.

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